KTechLab is coming back

KTechLab, the IDE for microcontrollers and electronics has joined KDE. Below I’m summarizing its current status and plans.

Status of KTechLab

The very good news is that KTechLab builds and runs on recent Linux distribution. Circuit simulation works well.

Circuit simulation

Currently KTechLab depends on Qt4 and KDE4, but it should be migrated to Qt5/KF5 (KDE Frameworks 5) as soon as possible.

KDE4 and Qt4 are dependencies

Flowcode, the graphical editor of programs, also works. It can convert the edited flowchart to assembly source for hex program for PIC microcontroller, or to the simple language for micorcontroller programming called Microbe.

Flowcode works

Currently loading programs on simulated microcontrollers needs to be fixed.

PIC microcontroller simulation needs work

Loading and debugging C code on simulated PIC microcontroller also needs more work.

Code debugging on microcontroller needs work


  1. Firstly I’d like to have KTechLab running with all features in usable state and have a release. Qt4 and KDE4 is still mostly around, but I’m aware that it is getting deprecated.

  2. After the release is done, port KTechLab to Qt5 and KF5, and have another release.

  3. Keep KTechLab running on latest Qt and KDE libraries, and if requested, add new features.


KTechLab has a mailing list at KDE called ktechlab-devel: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/ktechlab-devel

On IRC, developers are mostly reachable on freenode.net, on #ktechlab channel.

The source code of KTechLab is available in KDE Git, at https://cgit.kde.org/ktechlab.git/ (note: I’m aware that this link is not a “stable” one, but for now I couldn’t figure out the “stable” link).

Instructions for building and running KTechLab are available in the README file from the source code; online version of that file is available at https://cgit.kde.org/ktechlab.git/tree/README ; The very short instructions are: run sh simple-setup.sh and then sh simple-launch.sh.

The notes from joining KDE: https://community.kde.org/Incubator/Projects/KTechLab

KTechLab bugs at KDE bugtracker: https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=ktechlab

Old website of KTechLab, to be migrated to KDE infrastruture: https://github.com/ktechlab/ktechlab/wiki

Source code of the old website, in KDE Git: https://cgit.kde.org/scratch/padrah/ktechlab.wiki.git/

Contributions are welcome

There are several areas where contributions could greatly help the project:


I recommand using the mailing list ktechlab-devel at KDE; alternatively try IRC, #ktechlab on freenode.net.

Update 1: replaced KDE5 with KDE Frameworks 5 (KF5).



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